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Saturday, May 28, 2011

JUST SAYIN................................


  You know the Holy Spirit is an amazing thing. Unfortunately unless you have accepted Christ as your Savior, Then your not familiar with this amazing God given gift. Its kinda like Poison Ivy, unless you are in close contact with it, you don't get it. Ive always been one to say whats on my mind (just ask my boss)  I'm just sayin......so excuse me if your toes get crushed. I think it's funny when someone who is exclusively worldly experiences something exciting and thanks God for it as if it was an answer to prayer. Kinda like an alcoholic asking for a coke in a bar. Or how about a vampire getting excited about daylight. Bass and dry land? I'm just sayin........ The two just don't mix!
    This week we had a Tournament at a Marina and we had to share it with another organization we will leave unnamed. I know it was for good intentions but they put on a banner (BUDWEISER/BUSCH)
Welcomes Fishers of Men and the "Other Organization",  I'm just sayin.........Seriously!!!!!!  some people just don't get it. And yes our name was removed from the the banner.
      That little thing we call conscience is the Holy Spirit saying "hey dude, don't do that!!!!! I'm just Saying.......If ya want to get even with someone who treated you bad. If you can think erotically of the opposite sex or even the same sex , curse, steal, get drunk, or offend your friends( there are many more)Do you find yourself  talking alot about well........"Yourself", and your conscience does not bother you,  Im just sayin........there needs to be some serious soul searching initiated.
      Now if you have accepted Christ as your Savior but have neglected to read your bible and talk to God?  I'm just saying! How about this, Take some time to do that and you will be amazed at what the Holy Spirit will reveal to you. If you Really want to know what God wants from you,,,,,,,,,,read Romans Chapter 12  its a great place to start. Hey and if you want to know what God Don't want from you read .......well, Romans Chapter 12 .So, if ya don't want to read that Chapter then go to http://www.bible.is and listen to it.
   Well I suppose I've said a mouthful............Think about it
                                           >>>>>>>>>I'M JUST SAYIN.<<<<<<<<